So, the lovely view from my new bedroom window which greets me each and every morning I wake:
Closely followed by the view from inside my new room (where the magic happens) (or not):
Then I discovered this in the bathroom:
Which I am not too sure whether I should be scared of or reassured by. But I do like how the 'Electronic Mouse Killer' feels compelled to state that it 'KILLS MICE'. Phew, thank goodness for that eh? I was concerned that I might have had to call Advertising Standards there. At least it should prevent a recurrence of a flat I lived in when I moved back to Glasgow that had mice, resulting in an unpleasant mouse death on the floor from poisoning of the bathroom whilst one reader of this blog was using the facilities. Kind of. A cyber pint for the first correct guess of who it was! (And no cheating and putting your name in under a different name just to win Bob) (oops!)
So from the bathroom I moved downstairs (I live in a maisonette!) to the living room:
Where my life resides:
Well, not really as I am in the process of shifting it upstairs. Yes that is almost literally all that I own in the world, unless you count Mitch but I don't think I could claim to own her yet, unless I can lay my hands on a constant supply of pink jammies from Greggs that is, then it'd be easy!
So I figure I should leave you with a last picture of the view from the living room's right hand window, which goes some way towards demonstrating how I live in a maisonette with its sightly different angle. Or maybe I used LADDERS! (I stole that from Stack's old blog from Japan where he stole it from the Mongols and their attack of the Great Wall of China, good eh?)
Next post: Niall goes OUTSIDE! Where I will show all you faithful readers the outside of my abode and my new 'hood. Apparently it is home to the largest Walkabout in the UK, so if you see lots of tanned men walking about with corks dangling from their brimmed hats clutching a 'cold one' and a surfboard exclaiming 'that's not a knife, THIS is a knife!' you'll know why. Strewth!
I can't believe you took Dora (the blatantly underage Dora!) to London with you - you weirdo...
And that ladies and gentlemen from my oldest friend. She's 103! I'm here all week folks!
Dont argue with the men with the weapons niall, just give them your gloves ok!x
When can we expect the outdoors tour? I've little else to look forward to...
greggs... mmmmm... greggs... mmmmm... gregggggs... i was gonna say something bout the new digs, but now i`m too busy throwing my rice cakes in the bin and thinking bout greggs fine patiseries... and dora... mmmmmm... greggggggggs...
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