The audacity of a musical no-mark like Pritchard slagging an album written by a partially deaf 23 year old as a 'teenage symphony to God' that comes closer to achieving its aim than anything else would be understandable if he had anything like the talent Brian Wilson had. I suppose he has another year to come up with something comparable to Pet Sounds. Anyone care to bet he will? Luke Pritchard will be a washed-up has-been trying desperately to relaunch his career in 5 years time while people will still be listening to Pet Sounds and wondering where it came from and how. The conceited eunuch also has the cheek to slag the front cover of Pet Sounds. Let me compare his album's front cover with Pet Sounds for a second:
Hmm, let me see. I can look at a bunch of tousle-haired drama school wannabes trying to look cool, or I can see a bunch of guys feeding cute animals at a petting zoo. Conceit vs. Fun. No contest really. I've tried really hard not to put any sweary words into this post, so as a result if I ever see the clown on the street I'll use them then.
It feels good to have a national treasure defended by a friend from across the globe.
But maybe Pet Sounds belongs to everyone anyway.
But I don't know, I'm not used to the Scottish speaking in favor of the Beach Boys.
Ok. Guess who's blog I'm perusing for the first time in a while today?
Pet Sounds is an INTERNATIONAL treasure! I absolutely love the album, it's so good. Unlike The Kooks who aren't. At all. I saw Brian Wilson do this on his first comeback tour of the UK before the moneymen really got their claws into him and it was one of the most moving things I'd seen live. Absolutely beautiful.
Oh, and would it be my blog? Apologies for the sweary words!
I've been reading that article and I must agree with Mr. Mark Ronson's thoughts on Tupac Shakur ESPECIALL re. "Tupac/Biggie: Who's Better?" He's summed up what I've always meant to say.
And Billy Childish is the man most suited for taking Sgt. Pepper's to task and, whether or not he's right, he does it well.
And Is This It isn't any good but that doesn't mean Mr. Battles' review is right. Going after the Strokes because they're rich kids is lame, going after the Strokes because their music isn't any good? That's the ticket.
I can't say I care much ofr 2-Pac or biggie to be honest, but I think you are right on Billy Childish. In saying that, I think Sgt Peppers is totally overrated. I actually quite like Is This It, but it is by no means a great album and you're right about it being lame picking on them for being rich kids. Picking on them for their dreadful second album would have been much fairer.
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