Friday 2 November 2007

Guy Fawkes = Bam.

I don't think Guy Fawkes was a bam for any political reason, more that he inadvertently gave rise to the hideous concept of bonfire night and the ensuing cacophony of fireworks being set off for the weeks leading up to and after it. I loathe fireworks with every last ounce of my body. It is beyond me that for whatever reason people are given more or less free reign on gunpowder to do as they will. I was on the Tube today at North Wembley (that arch is massive by the way) when a group of schoolkids thought it would be entertaining to throw a firework into a crowded carriage. If it had caught fire on somebody's bag/jacket/whatever then you'd have been looking at a very dangerous and unpleasant situation. It didn't thankfullly, but it reinforced my abhorrence for the bloody things. They serve no discernible benefit to society, cause numerous injuries and deaths each year, are exceedingly dangerous and yet completely legal. Why? What good reason is there for it? They should be banned forthwith and the remaining jammed up the nearest fireworks advocate's backside to see how much they like them then. As I said, Guy Fawkes = Bam.


Anonymous said...

Fireworks are cool because kids can throw them at lousy beatniks on trains. Also, I can walk into a newsagent & buy explosives with my monster munch - that's cool too!

Anonymous said...

I agree, and lets ban Christmas too as it encourages consumerism, and easter, and birthdays and fun generally. Are you 28 today or 82?

Richie said...

Come on guys. If, like Niall, your face had also been made to resemble a melted welly by fireworks you might want to see them banned too.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind fireworks, but I do like fire (hence the firelighters at your stag - I just happened to have them on me).

When I read your blog I want to burn you.

In fact, if I hadn't fallen asleep on Saturday / Sunday when I did I might have.

Anonymous said...

Ps if you can't hold a sparkler without killing yourself, "mmweh" (shrugs)