Most likely, you'll have seen Billy strutting his stuff to the video also:
If you can get past the fact he's shilling a Michael 'sex addict' Douglas movie (part of the title of which is a mispronunciation of my name obviously) for just a second, you'll surely notice how Billy was a clean-cut kind of guy. Pretty suave, clean-shaven, well coiffed kind of fellow yes?
So what happened to him to make him look like THIS?

Do you think it was Michael 'sex addict' Douglas' fault? Answers on a postcard please, or in the comments section. Personally, I think he saw George Clinton and thought to himself 'I'll have a bit of that, with dignity'. Or perhaps not. Either way, I much prefer Billy now, purely because I think that when the going got tough, he got going. Clearly.
You know I think there's a reason this song/video skipped America and went straight to the UK.
Was this blog a result of people pushing you to update?
I see you work well under pressure, then.
Somebody is up very late! I was planning an update on Billy anyway, but just hadn't gotten round to it. But aye, I do work well under pressure!
At least that was only a head-shot, I've heard there are some very unpleasant things at the bottom of the Ocean....
I like the new Billy.
Not quite on topic, but have you seen this in the NME(?):
"Last but nowhere near least are The Invisibles, another Glaswegian four-piece who just so happen to be our favourite band. Ever. No, really. An arty, angular amalgamation of Hot Chip and Talking Heads with scatterbrain Thomas Pynchon-esque lyrics (look him up, literacy fans!) and unabashedly poppy hooks that should be shagging radio to within an inch of its life, you should be busting lungs to see them live. Don’t believe us? Go here – . Still don’t believe us? Well, fuck you."
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