Aw naw! I've just been informed by the BaptistsforBrownback2008 website- a presidential campaign website for Sam Brownback the Republican senator for Kansas- that apparently wearing a kilt is not as innocent as I've been led to believe all my life...
You can read what these lovely people have to say about Scotland's national attire
here. Be warned, don't have any foodstuffs or liquids in your mouth when you read it as they will inevitably end up all over your computer screen and keyboard as you laugh at what they've written, and of course I don't want to be responsible for your cleaning costs.
Obviously not willing to take this lying down, Scots and defenders of the kilt the world over left them numerous comments letting them know exactly what they thought of their assertions and accusations, resulting in a retraction. Of sorts. You can read about it
Now as you are all busy people I'll leave you some of the choicest cuts from their words of wisdom regarding the kilt:
"The kilt, long associated with those ghastly Scots, has seen a drastic increase in popularity among the jet-setting homosexual crowd. One manufacturer of this perfectly obscene item, Utilikilts in Seattle, was recently interviewed and subsequently featured prominently on the front page of Yahoo News. " Charming. Ghastly eh? Perhaps they've see the pubs at kicking out time?
"It is understood, that while the sodomite would unnaturally embrace the feminine attributes of a man-skirt or kilt, the main purpose is that it grants them easy and quick access for fornicating." Hmm, does this extend to women who wear skirts? THEY MUST ALL BE SODOMITES TOO! Quick, get the emergency trousers on everyone!
"No real man, not a heterosexual one with a shred of self-respect, Scottish or not, would permit himself to be caught dead in a skirt, unless he was playing the bagpipe while in Scotland, at a historically-themed wedding. Even then I find his heterosexuality suspect at best." Ooh, get her! I have to say I am deeply concered that somebody somewhere in the US finds my hetereosexuality deeply concerning at my choice to wear a kilt. I think I'm going to readdress my whole belief system in light of what I've just read. Done, I'm sticking with the kilt.
Their retraction begins- please, no foodstuffs or liquids, this is an absolute belter:
"Dear Angry Kilt-Wearing Men,
Obviously, many of you feel very strongly about your right to wear “kilts” based on the responses as seen in the post titled: The Sissification of Seattle. Regardless of how foolish a man looks in a skirt, I have spoken to several of your women via email who have convinced me that they believe you to be completely heterosexual. Having faith that a percentage of women, albeit a small one, possess the intuition to discern whether her husband is not taking her for a fool, and not out having abominable same-sex relations, I will agree to believe that some of you are not sodomites. That said, there arises an equally as disturbing of an issues, if you are not in fact a homosexual then why would you want to wear a skirt, or kilt if you will. The only rational conclusion I can come up with is that the freedom of not having slacks with sippers and belts, grants you easy access for spontaneous fornication. Providing that all intimate relations occur solely between yourself and your legal wife, this may not be a mortal sin, as is the sin of sodomy. However, this opens the door to instances of carnality that lay outside of the golden rule: Sexual relations between a man and his wife are for procreation, not recreation. Additionally, there is the problem of what does a man wear beneath his “kilt” which would deter him from self-abuse and abnormal excitability."
So, now that kilt-wearers are no longer all sodomites (although there is still the belief that at least some are, naturally), there is at least the very good chance that that they are probably sexual deviants who at the drop of a hat, or should I say lifting of a kilt, will inevitably indulge in 'spontaneous fornication'! I guess now we all know why ceilidhs are so fun! Not to mention Scotland international football matches, Scottish international rugby, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, Highland Games, formal occasions and so forth. What sexually charged occasions these all are and poor little naive me didn't even realise. I'm getting a kilt ASAP, what a world of deviant pleasures I've been missing out on all this time! Oh wait...