Tuesday 13 March 2007

Pour Brig.

So, as the last time Mitch and I went to the Texas Embassy for Mexican food, at Brigham's recommend (his blog SteadyMobbin' is on the links page to the right), I neglected to take any pictures, this post is intended to make up for my glaring error. Plus, Brigham's suggestion was good and he updated his links section so I really have no excuse for posting. If you like Mexican food then you could do a lot worse that popping on down to this place- it is by Trafalgar Square about 5 minutes walk from Charing Cross station and located in a big fancy building opposite the Scottish Tourist Information Shop. Once you get inside though you might as well be in Mexico. With a view of Scotland (the Bank of Scotland has fancy old offices opposite too). Or something. I've never been to Mexico so you may want to not take me at my word there. But I have been to Scotland!

First up, Mitch decided on what she is going to order:

Meanwhile, I set about taking pictures of the chips and dip they kindly provide to you, gratis.

I had intended on taking another photo of them when they were finished and blaming Mitch for eating them all, but she rumbled me before I could (she's a smart one). So Mitch ordered Tortilla Soup (GASP!), which looked really good but is made with meat stock (PAH!). Ho hum.

I on the other hand ordered a veggie burrito:

Which was really good, but as Mitch and I had already eaten some nachos upstairs at the bar whilst waiting on a table I couldn't quite finish it. However, Mitch did manage to finish her soup:

At which point I was still eating, but couldn't finish it I was so full. And when I finished eating, the lady came and took my plate away! Which is a shame, because I could probably go some Mexican food right now and I'm sure it tastes just as good leftover as it did freshly made. I love leftovers. On a sandwich especially. Mmmm! Of course because she took my plate away I couldn't get a chance to take another photograph. I also had a food coma from all the food I'd eaten. I like the Texas Embassy.*

* I should inform you that if you are ever in London and haven't seen any American tourists (unlikely I know), and are dying to see some (again probably unlikely, but hey it's a broad readership of this blog)(actually now that I think about it probably not, likey three people maybe) head straight to this place, it seems to be dined at only by Americans, and me. Either way, I'm taking it as some kind of endorsement!

PS The Texas Embassy did not pay me in any way for this post. I wish they would though, then I'd eat like a king.


Brigham said...

I've actually never been to the Texas Embassy (I recommended it out of curiosity, which I suppose sounds like a dirty trick) so I am grateful for this glimpse inside its hallowed halls.

It is good to see that Mitch is becoming less camera shy. Or perhaps this was not something she decided to do.

Finally, I don't know which is more flattering: That the post is titled after me, or that there is now a "Brigham" tag on your blog, suggesting future posts dedicated to me.

niall said...

Ah but Brigham, Mitch and I didn't for one second think that you'd recommend a bad Mexican place to us so it matters not that you did it out of curiousity- I know you have a reputation for knowing good Mexican food to uphold therefore any recommendation you made would have been based on at least good faith. As for being flattered, you know there will be future posts about you when you come visit us right?

Brigham said...

I'm waiting until the exchange rate is three dollars to the pound before I take my next trip across the Atlantic.

niall said...

Me too. ;0)

Brigham said...

Aw snap! In my country we'd say that I "just got served."

Anonymous said...

I was expecting the outdoors tour by now. Instead I get Mexican scran rubbed in my dial. Bastard! I've become disenchanted with this blog. I might start a blog of my own to document my feelings

niall said...

My humble apologies. I'll tak some foaties soon of ma new hood and get em up. Of course, if you feel the need to document your feelings I wouldn't wish to discourage you from talking aboot them, ken?

Anonymous said...

Aye, ah ken. Ken?

Anonymous said...

Tracked you down! Link from SCWR.

Was fascinated to hear about your dinner.

Hello Mitch!