Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Nintendo Wii.

My sister has been hunting for one of these consoles for Christmas, which of course means she has roped me into looking for one. To cut a long story short, I found her one on the German Amazon site for about 200 quid. Which is a fair bit cheaper than what the profiteering bastards at PC World are selling their stock for. Have a look here. Unbelievable. I know the laws of supply and demand, but that's still an outrageous price. I suppose any idiot that is prepared to pay that for it deserves to be ripped off.


Brigham said...

An American one won't work in England, right? Because they are starting to become more common over here. There was a pile at Toys R Us the other day.

Yes, the other day I was at Toys R Us. Wasn't everyone?

niall said...

Afraid not as the American standard is NSTC whereas Britain and Europe is PAL. I had thought about it. As for being in Toys R Us- that's enough to get you the jail over here these days!

Anonymous said...

NSTC. PAL. Toys R Us.

Heh heh.

Bec said...

Your link is to a wii for £179.99 + £4.95 P&P so nmot only were they charging a grand for the one you saw, they're now making you look the fool...

niall said...

If I'd only been smarter and taken a screenshot of it eh? Oh well, lesson learned and all that.