Friday 1 February 2008


Or Sir Mark Thatcher as he is more commonly known. I was reading earlier about how he had tried to effect a coup in Equatorial Guinea, which by the way seems to be a lovely place and it occurred to me, what on earth did Thatcher the Younger do to 'deserve' being called a Sir? Let's see, a whole series of dodgy business deals, a life of privilege, a very successful set of parents, an attempted coup (admittedly after the Sir was placed before his name), private education, breathtaking incompetence matched only by his arrogance and trading on mummy's name. No real surprise to find that his title is hereditary then, much like everything else he has had in his life. He apparently left Harrow with 3 O Levels and somehow managed to be offered a place at Oxford. Quite an achievement eh? Oh wait, I get it. Another useless titled spoiled brat. Quelle surprise.

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