Tuesday, 12 February 2008

The Mosquito.

I found this on the BBC news page. Apparently there is some uproar amongst various liberty groups about the device infringing on children's rights. I wonder how many of those arguing that point live in areas blighted by teenage gangs and trouble spots? I'm not interested in the rights or wrongs of using the device necessarily, that is a different argument. I'm just curious how often Professor Sir Albert Aynsley-Green has had to deal with groups of unruly and possibly dangerous children round his gaff. Not often I'd venture. It's not as if the device is intended for people over the age of 25 to go around chasing gangs of kids with it. As long as it is used properly and with appropriate licensing then it serves the purpose of making communities safer. The shops by where I grew up became/become a veritable no-go area at night times because of the various ne'erdowells hanging around it. A couple of these would sort the problem by all accounts. I wonder why it is such a bad thing? I am of course playing devil's advocate, but feel free to indulge me.


Will said...

You owld codger.

just give the little bleeders a clip roond the lugholes man!

niall said...

Then leg it as fast as my old legs will carry me!

AM said...

Oh come on Niall! Now that you're an old married man you don't post photos anymore? Us tiny-brained people need visuals.

Anonymous said...

You fucking fascist. Leave those kids alone. Hate monger.

niall said...

Come on anonymous, don't be shy! Tell us who you are.

Anonymous said...

I knew what your view of this would be without even reading it. You just don't like people having fun do you? Be it hanging outside the shops, or scooping the big wins at the bookies...

I resent having to set up a google acount to comment on your nonsense. Do you see the email address etc of the folk who leave comments? This interweb stuff is all a mystery to me.

Do any of your chums want to work with the Workers Beer Company at festivals this year?

Will said...

Delete that hawker above.

get back to counting your masters's beans - layabout!

niall said...

He's just upset because I laughed at him not scooping 600 quid at the bookies on an accumulator. Plus he's dead posh these days, counting beans!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous was I, Mcneil! I can't believe you think this stupid contraption is a good idea while guns still remain illegal to law abiding citizens. I refuse to sign up for an account, and all. Fuck that shit.